Thursday, March 26, 2009

Surecracy Re-evaluate Mme/ Louise Arbour leading the International Criminal Tribunals and Her Non Accountable Democratic Human Rights Organization!

Mme Louise Arbour, known as a French Canadian Lawyer and a Canadian Supreme Court Judge , a well known Advocate for Democratic (Secular) law(s) and a Chosen Democratic Capitalist Western Advocate and its Civil/Criminal laws, Presently leading the process of the International Criminal Democratic Tribunals as conflicting with other people for what she defines as Crimes Against humanity. In 1996 She was chosen by United Nations Secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egyptian Ex- foreign affairs Minister) as a prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunals .. Recently, Trying to bypass the Islamic shari'ha Laws and/or the Islamic jurisdictions within the Islamic Developing World; as She is presently leading the outrage of Western Democratic Capitalists propaganda - against Islamic laws - for incriminating very questionably the Sudanese Muslim President / Omar Al-Bashir - In Sudan - in what she defines as his crimes in the Sudanese Region Of Dar four.. Based upon Democratic Questionable Values; which supply the arms to South- Sudan to separate it because it is very rich in unexplored oil ! as well as using her as a democratic tool in such a drama for representing their secular laws and/or court procedure double standards supported by prejudice perception(s) against Muslims; especially those in conflicts with democratic capitalism .. ?! This is highlighted here - as being considered the factual issue - within the present democratic questionable / fragile legalo-political reality, on one hand ..?!
On The Other Hand, Mme L. Arbour did not ever dare to claim justice against her related Canadian / USA / British governmental Official(s) and/or military individuals participating in genocide / murder(s) and violent bloody attacks against Muslims Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq .. especially against the Tali Bani and Iraqi people living as civilians in their home lands ; these lands were injustly invaded, occupied by Westerns Democrats- without International law and Islamic Nations approval ..!!
Mme/ Louise Arbour, brought her Western Democratic Canadian Value - of Dominance of Women's Age - to Incriminate A Muslim Male President away from Islamic Shari'ha Laws in its own jurisdiction .. We highlighted it as another factual issue in this case .. ! In Her Interview in CBC Television Program ' The Hour ' - she clearly admitted in her discussion with the TV Journalist / TV Interviewer Mr. George Stroumboulopoulos the following (1):
1. The American USA Democratic Ambassador asked her ' to be tough' in prosecuting crimes against humanity - as from Democrats' point of view - thereafter L.Arbour re-admitted again that the same USA Ambassador has stated to her to be ' tough (but) not on us ' as democrats; an influential biased remark reflecting a typical experienced North American ' Democratic Double Standard ' in justice and/or politics .. ! Good to know ..!
2. thereafter, L. Arbour mentioned her promotion to for the Democratic Canadian Charter Of Human Rights - being copied and/or related in significant parts to the United Nations Charter - Of Human Rights .. All these democratic secular - trial and error ideas in legislation's by Western Democrats have lead her perception to prosecute the developing world undesired people standing against Democratic Capitalism; politically - economically for Independence in governance and jurisdictions legislations .. Those Muslims seems to be very unwanted by USA, Canada, UK and NATO ..etc of the Western Democratic Capitalist World whom view themselves as the superior to lead our monotheistic world and the whole world .. ?!
3. She - as it seems - was very careful within her interview ' The hour ' Canadian TV show; not to go in depth - in any detail(s) - to highlight comment(s) regarding violation of human rights by the Canadian/USA/British troops (Commanders/soldiers) participating violent war attack(s) and bloody injustified murders of the Muslims' civilians in Afghanistan without taking such a Crime Prosecution Criminal actions against them where evidence reflected the fact of the involvement of Canadians / Americans / British troops in killing and wounding bloodily the civilians, torturing prisoners of war and murdering them under isolation and away from courts protection by unfair trial and injustice ; where those North American Democrats' / officials committed their war crimes against both Muslims, minor children and against humanity, but Louise Arbour was questionably incapable to bring those democrats' criminals of war staying illegally in other Islamic-Arabic / 3rd World Islamic Jurisdictions into her tribunal of democratic justice where victims here are all Muslims .. She is incapable to prosecute - as for example - George W.Bush, Tony Blair for their leading democratic genocide , their various categorized conspiring crimes against Muslims and humanity, she was also incapable to do the same against violent Zionists crimes against Palestinians .. ; A matter that we have highlighted in this Blog and other Surecratic Blogs as well ..
In conclusions: as I had highlighted in my legal battles within the Canadian provincial and Federal courts - in many of my civil / family/ Basic Human Rights cases : That the enforcement of Canadian / Western Democratic laws in other jurisdictions which have different laws / controversial other laws ; to prosecute and/or arrest other people - as for example - A Muslim living in Islamic Jurisdictions to incriminate them ; is in itself a form of ' Organized Terrorist / Terrorism Crime (OTC) ' which was discussed in Vienna Convention year 1996 within its subject regarding ' The Legal War Against Organized Crime ' by the International Community, a matter which the Canadian / the American Western Democrats seem seriously do not care about, leaving them in the position of promoting for Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC) as we strongly declare and believe in lights of International law(s) and Jurisdictions' related Justice enforcement .. So where exactly Mme/ Louis Arbour is standing in her double standard , possibly hypocritical actions regarding her actions and cases influenced certainly by her French-Canadian Democratic Capitalism views in secular justice (trial and error in law foundation) and/or her law education ..
In addition; Such a biased influence upon her to use her with ties to Democratic Capitalism Ideological , Socio-political and aggressively economic imperialism influence made in the background a big question mark when she charged only the Muslim Sudanese leader for crimes while the leaders in Canada, USA, UK is shown interests to create their allies by supporting - questionably - the south of Sudan to separate it and to divide it - by the Western Conspiracy, as Sudan North and Sudan South states, supplying and selling arms to facilitate the processing of murdering / civil war ignition , against the world peace , where selling the arms to South Sudan via USA, British - NATO allies as well for their completing their controlling desires - as shown in Iraq - to give thereafter a lot of Canadian/American Corporates oil exploration in the South Sudan which is rich in massive amounts of oil ..! The leadership of International Court Tribunals and Mme/ Louis Arbour seem to be in doubts regarding accountability; especially in light of her well known Democratic Capitalists values and her possible obvious double standards; a matter which makes her - as human rights advocate - unaccountable, unjustified, a possible servant to the political ideas of the Westerns Democratic Capitalists on their unjustified war, occupation and political-financial manipulation to the Islamic World and its free leaders not obeying the West and its irrelevant Democratic Capitalists values, which has no much of a place and/or a space to be applied over the Islamic / Monotheistic laws, within its own regional Islamic World, its legal Jurisdictions. Which is presently victimized by the crimes of democrats against humanity ..!
The analysis of actions of Mme/ Louis Arbour may reveal the fact that she is a true believer of Western Democracy / Democratic Capitalism whom ignored intentionally bringing USA ex-president George W.Bush and the British ex -prime minister Tony Blair into true justice enforcement, She is believed to be -in fact - a true Canadian Democratic poppet Advocate - not a real International Human Right(s) advocate .. she is - within what she was told about what to do - tough as long as she does not come close to touch her prime minister or to touch both W.Bush and T. Blair war crime(s)..!! That is our Surecratic opinion, being reasonably justified without prejudice ..!

Author: Sherif Abdel-Kerim ,
Founder of Surecracy as alternative to Democracy
and founder Of The International Surecratic Movement (ISM International)
Calgary, Alberta, Canada .. Copyright (c) 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Surecracy Claims Justice Against USA / British Individuals, Top Officials' Democrat; Being Involved In Crime(s) Against Muslims And Humanity..!

Surecracy is leading its own Claim(s) For Justice Against the Democrats: including their Military Commanders and/or Supervisors and British-USA governmental officials, intelligence whom are responsible for Committing various Crimes / diversity of War crimes against Muslims - being Monotheistic Believers of a different philosophy and ideology - as this claim stands against such a unique form of racists' crime(s) against both those believers in Islam, Monotheism and against humanity as well ..

Of course the political conspiring activity of those godless secular democrats- believing in absolute power of their states as their Capitalist God - ; assisting the process(es) of finding out any fragile-illegal, unacceptable reason(s) to continue their imperialism of the Western Democrats' by military - infiltrating invasions into the Arabic-Islamic Countries' Developing World and the 3rd World Nations ; it is the main reason that much of their democratic capitalists leading crimes have been committed against hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings and/or against civilian people forming their belief in humanity (4-11).. Some Serious Surecratic Recorded review (1-11), Observations are noted, archived and are presently categorized as following:
I. The USA Ex-president George W.Bush Administration liability to commit hundreds of War crimes assisted by the conspiring British Prime Minister Tony Blair - dreaming to have an imperialistic invasion share..?!! to the point of committing crimes against humanity..! A matter which can be summarized under seven main criminal categories:
I.1: Conspiring -politically, via secret intelligence, economically for illegal purposes ..etc. -between the retired British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W.Bush towards forcibly imposing their illegal decision(s) to plan and to force their war(s) by military invasion(s)which have never been approved by The Islamic Nations and/or The United Nations as International Community..
I.2:Political, Media and Military Misconducts - during the so called declared wars in the Islamic and in the Arabic Muslims' Region(s) including Afghanistan and Iraq as well as creating war threats against Iran and Syria . Where Organized military violence/terrorism against civilians were committed with extreme intentional aggression of their occupier soldiers.
I.3: Illegal enforcement of Democratic Misgovernment During American, British and Canadian ..etc Occupation where links to the imposed corrupted-poppet governments as their illegal allies against their Muslim citizens and people, living in their own home lands; encouraging - by every influential mean(s) - those Muslims to brutally fight, to hate other Muslims (Monotheistic Religion Brothers) and to kill each other and criminally funding such a process as a form of creating a war organized crime ..!
I.4: Abuse of powers -authority associated with public mischief, towards mistreating Muslims as prisoners of war where at least 45 prisoners were murdered by torture, associated with brutal treatment to thousands of children where at least 64 child prisoner of war were illegally transferred from their home lands facing democratic capitalists invasions - under custody of Conspiring British- American politicians to be re-transferred - using professional paid war killers / intelligence - into a communist country like Cuba in Guantanamo Bay military jail , Detaining secret areas in East -Europe supported by NATO. The United Nations - Red Cross Organization- leak of a report and AMNESTY recoded these factual issues of torturing even the wounded, abusing, sexually harassing and murdering prisoners of wars even if they are innocent without evidence by violent intelligence / military personnel ..?! Bush and Blair themselves and their administration are accountable in leading such war crimes..!
I.5: The use of illegal very destructive war weapons varying from cluster bombs, daisy cutters, napalm, white phosphorus biological bombs (burn human skins /muscles into nerves and bones), depleted Uranium weapons to induce extreme criminal injuries mostly to the civilians, Iraq children playing close (leukemia caner, other serious deseases..etc.) harming and killing brutally thousands of innocent children.. It is against United Nations' Laws including Geneva Convention and forbidden weapons by UN / international laws to use in war ..!
I.6: Dragging - by fraud and public mischief; using false unrealistic evidence, away from the truth - the Islamic invaded nations economy, the Islamic world economy-social justice as well as rising fuel prices worldwide and destabilising due to aggression with fraud the global world stable economy into financial - related war crises - and huge deep depressions..
I.7: Illegal spy-wiring against civilians and their privacy / freedom especially those whom are living in Europe and/or Britain and/or USA as well as within the Islamic Nations ..etc. by their related western intelligence governmental agencies - such as FBI, CIA, Scotland yard ..etc. even without approval of the court judge(s) /crown prosecutions' proper legal procedures. It was done against various laws..

II. in July, 1988 -During the Time of U.S.A President R. Reagan Administration (1-3 ) A USA Marine military firing gunboats Shot - in the Arabic / Persian Gulf -An Iranian civilian jetliner and blew it up within the hazy sky with an advanced heat-seeking missile, as the Pentagon cover up political questionable process announced(1) at the time where Iran stated the fact that 290 persons/passengers were aboard on this European-made A300 Airbus and confirmed that all had been perished. Raising in this violent tragedy big question marks regarding the criminal intentional will of such involved USA Administration Department / Military-Pentagon Officials related to this inhuman massacre of murdering 290 civilian passengers including 66 innocent children (2) ..! the National Post Newspaper recorded this statement -in turn - "The U.S. government deeply regrets this incident," Adm. William J. Crowe Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Pentagon cover up news conference. Although No one question the legality of USA Military Presence and/or Created War threats of USA - at the first place - so close to and within the Islamic-Arabic land/Water Territories - far away from North America - giving questionably those Violent Democrats , by themselves, the illegal rights to criminally shoot to kill civilians and finding thereafter illegal questionable justifications for the continuity of such a massacre killings to innocent civilians yet still - till the moment - The United States Democratic Capitalists' government did not admit the responsibility or to give an official apology to the Iranian Islamic government(1,3) for conspired intentions of killing Muslim civilians Carelessly During their invasions , occupations to the Arabic-Persian Gulf .. A unique form of crime against Muslims and/or humanity ..! A matter that is raising our voices high - in solidarity with those victims - to claim Surecratic justice / Islamic Shari' ha Laws supported by International Law Justice / including UN-Geneva Convention against those being involved including military commanders / associates , CIA and/or intelligence individuals and/or governmental official(s) in USA-Great Britain being involved in Civilian Barbarian Massacre to kill by bombing those victimized civilians or innocent Muslim individuals being victimized, tortured, detained and/or unjustly murdered/killed against fundamental / Basic rules of Justice regarding crimes committed against Muslims and/or humanity ..!!
III. when the majority citizens in USA had re-elected George W. Bush; following the fact that - { the same as his father (in desert storm / Gulf War 1) } - launched these wars which definitely caused the deaths of over a million Iraqi civilians, thousands Afghans, thousands of Pakistanis, and thereafter he gave - by abuse of power - the USA Administration's full support to the Israel’s murderous attacks upon the Palestinian civilians as well as the blockade process of vital food, medicine, water and fuel supplies to the occupied territories, not to mention - as well - these frequent bombing upon Lebanon and Syria, which had culminated, during the Bush’s second election term, in the horrific Israeli bombing campaign of Lebanese cities and villages killing thousands of civilians(11).. there are estimates of more than half a million children killed or murdered in such genocide / mass massacre related to the war attacks within the Islamic World Region where The bloody desires of Democratic Capitalism Crimes against both Muslims and/or humanity is obviously supported - in a two way street - with Democratic Zionism and vise versa against Arabs and Muslims, being put under Democratic hell-fires, sanctions and control ..?!! (11-12)
In Conclusion; It is in itself a crime and/or conspiracy action(s) which is/are directed to put into the trial's of crimes against humanity of democrats to be lead by other democrats..! while Most of these criminal activities happened within the Islamic Independent Jurisdictions; against Muslim civilian people, ruled under their Islamic government(s) .. The legal extradition process - of Tony Blair and George W.Bush side by side with their supporters being involved - in such a criminal / war crime acts - is in itself a legal must and a credible justified necessity in order to trial all of them within our home lands, according to our monotheistic laws..! In addition, their people whom elected those democratic criminal leaders by putting into the top powers - those careless corrupt leaders - through these western democratic so called election / theatre shows; where consequently the Western Democrats people - especially in USA and Britain -should owe us not only officially an admittance of a legalo-political apology but also they must pay the compensation(s) to our nations and to our people whom suffered much democratic military organized crime and brutality due to all of the above mentioned types of these crimes against humanity as well as the destruction's losses of our Islamic-Arabic Economy and our developmental opportunities to live in peace .. Our Surecratic Claims For Justice is related to the foundations of both the International Laws in combination with the Islamic Monotheistic Law(s) facing this illegal war invasion's basis, associated with numerous conspiring criminal plans and/or acts of Democrats' leaders to murder - by their declared democratic war genocide - our innocent civilians and children , it is indeed another part of the democratic - fascism type and its bloody history against Muslims; being the true monotheistic believers in God ..!

Note: Records of the Iranian Civilian flight shot down - as reviewed from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - are as follows:

CG image of A300 EP-IBU
Incident summary: Date 3 July 1988
Type: Civilian Airliner shoot-down by USA Government Air force
Site: Persian / Arabic Gulf
Passengers: 274 Crew:16 Fatalities: 290 Survivors: 0
Aircraft type: Airbus A300B2-203
Operator: Iran Air Tail number EP-IBU
Flight origin: Mehrabad International Airport
Last stopover: Bandar Abbas International Airport
Destination: Dubai International Airport

Iran Air Flight 655, also known as IR655, was a civilian airliner shot down by US missiles on Sunday 3 July 1988.

Author: Sherif Abdel-Kerim,

Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement (ISM International)

Calagry, Alberta, Canada - Copyright (C) 2009.


1. Al-Jazeera 24th October,2005 : The World's Deadliest Air Disasters (3)
2. Navy Missile Downs Iranian Jetliner
By George C. Wilson Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 4, 1988; Page A01 - as given from google search.
3. Iran Air Flight 655 - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 121k
7.Printers demands war crimes trial for Blair,
9. International Law Aspects of the Iraq War and Occupation: P1-8
10.Blair planned Iraq war from start
11.Western Progressive Opinion , Bring on the Victims! Condemn the Fighters!
By James Petras,
12. Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Surecracy versus Democratic Capitalism and Democratic Zionism,