Thursday, November 19, 2009

Surecracy Claims A Canadian & United Nations' Inquiries Against Canadian Goverment's Officers For Human Rights Violations/ Tortures Of Afghanistani !

In lights of Secrecy and Democratic Conservatism lead by Stephen Harper, leading Democratic Capitalism Invasion(s) - By his Canadian Heavily Armed Troops - To occupy Afghanistan and to supervise not only The processes of murders to innocent Muslim Afghanistani civilians and people violating not only the international laws but also participating in the process(es) of tortures and of human rights violations against caught civilians and prisoners of war, whom are defending their own country against the imperialistic invasion(s) and/or foreign military occupation to such an independent Islamic World's land(s)..

The Foreign Affairs Canadian Senior Diplomat RICHARD COLVIN testified against his Canadian government and officials about sending more than 70 reports that seemed to be ignored and/or surrounded with shields of secrecy regarding the following (1-2):
1. Applying brutal standard(s) procedure(s) of questionable war crime(s) being played by, supervised and even encouraged by Canadian military personnel - in connection to the Afghan Poppet Government in Official Control of such a war crime process - to physically expose both innocent civilians and also the prisoners of war to the brutality of physical and psychological abuses and torture.

2. Beating with power cables , utilization of electrical shocks and intentional deprivation of sleep against civilian detainee / prisoners of war were applied. Richard Colvin - Democrat's Diplomat stated that he witnessed himself evidence of such a physical abuse and/or torture marks on the bodies of the Afghanistan Muslim Detainee and war prisoners..

3. He was told by Top senior Canadian Government Bureaucrat(s)to shut up and to avoid sending his foreign affairs reports in writing and use verbal phone messages to intentionally cover up the evidence and possibilities of burying this case into its own grave in secrecy..

4. A questionable process seems to be starting to cover up the case using the Democratic Government Federal Lawyers - as the media highlighted (2)- to prevent Richard Colvin from testifying in front of a public inquiry, using a questionable fragile controversial excuse of Canadian National Security Concern(s)!! We are recording this page in human history about how their democracy works injustified ..?!!

5. Democratic top Canadian officials' names as David Mulroney (Prime Minister Foreign Affairs Advisor) Rick Hillier ( Former Canadian Defense Chief ) Margaret Bloodworth (Stephen Harper National Security Advisor) as well as Dimitri Soudas ( Prime Minister Chief Spokesman ) we all mentioned in connection to this serious Human Rights Violation and/or alligations' related such President Hamid Karzai) torture case ..

6. Conservatism with its Democracy leading the Democratic Capitalism Of Canada and which is believed to conspire with its intelligence and to be supportive, dealing with another non-accountable poppet and Democratic related Corrupt Government of President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan; might all be considered to be the primary suspects of such a recorded media announced organized crime of terrorism /Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC)* against innocent people caught in the middle of the war fires and those prisoners of war .. The Democrats' Crimes - committed against Muslim Afghanistani - are claimed to be fully investigated and/or put into trial / inquiry while considering the following serious legal issues:

a. Presence Islamic Countries' Representatives and/or Judges in local and International Tribunal. Soldiers, officers and officials prosecuted for this crime in the Islamic Territory of Afghanistan must be trialed in the jurisdiction where they participated in committing these types of crimes against Muslims and their human rights violations according to Islamic laws. It is legal and supported by the international and local laws .
b. United Nations High Commission Of Human Rights and Tribunal can also be involved.
c. As Canadian Muslims here bearing dual nationalities and/or as Surecrats taking the leadership of Surecracy in North America; we are also claiming a public inquiry and full investigations to the depth / grass root of this highly possible crime against humanity, nobody being involved is above such an inquiry ..

Note: Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC) as definition occurs when the views and/or actions and/or applied policy or legal procedure(s) in one country tries to bypass other countries judicial laws and/or international legislation including - as for example Islamic Shariha Laws in a country like Afghanistan - ; this terminology has also been discussed under United Nations' meetings / Convention of Vienna 1996 and it also has been also highlighted - during the years 1999-2004 - against Canadian Governmental official(s) in certain case(s) defended by the author of this article in some documented Canadian provincial and federal public courts as for more details and/or reference..


1. Review Canadian Televison News Broadcasting Stations: Golobal news , CTV, CBC and City Chanel International ..etc http: // for more information.


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