Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Surecratic Claim For Justice And Investigating The Possible Murder Of Ibtisam El-Ghamrawi and The Libyans' Genocide Committed by Muumer Ghadafi ?!

An information leaked from a Libyan Political Refugee highlighted - in Canada - the fact that a Libyan University student, in Tripoli named Ibtisam El-Ghamrawi was forced - under Muamer Gaddafi's influence and/or abuse of political power to get involved in Gaddafi's sexual fantasy before she suddenly disappeared forever and/or murdered ..! If this information is true then criminal investigations regarding murder of a young female university student should bring M.Gaddafi into trial for Justice as Surecracy will certainly claim for such a trial after the investigations gets the needed evidence..!

Another Serbian-Canadian Young man whom I met by chance in Calgary, suffering his feeling of guilt to participate - at his young age under 18 - in Serbian War against Muslim Bosnians; he confirmed to me while he was with his father (Oil Engineer) in Libya he was invited to a big closed Tent where Beautiful European sexy women and all kinds of alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs to share with his two friends - as guests - whatever they desire as being invited guests of Qaddafi's son; mean while the online news agencies (5-7) highlighted clearly Muammar Ghadafi sons in their costy sexual fantasy adventures in London, Italy and Caribbean Islands, negligently abusing their country oil wealth in playboy(s)- like sexual scams and associated with practicing physical violence (5-7) as it was reported in London ! These information provided with similar important circumstantial evidence which indicated - beyond reasonable doubt - that both M.Ghadafi and his adult children not only seem to practice drinking , spending millions of dollars in their fantasy parties, on their illegal sexual adventures as they desire or as wanted at anytime, while violating their Islamic religion and their Libyan culture but also they practiced - as it eventually looks - aggressive violence within their sexual fantasy adventures, where here we can not exclude - under the highlighted provided information and circumstantial evidence(s) that the father M.Ghadafi - being a leader to his family - in such sexual fantasy adventure(s) that it can be very highly possible to lead to the murder of such a poor Libyan University Student Ibtisam El-Ghamrawi; a matter which needs in-depth Investigations against these criminal behavior(s); in support our Surecratic claims for justice investigations and its enforcement according to the Surecratic and/or Libyan Islamic Law(s) ..!!

In addition, to this previous murder case of Ibtisam El-Ghamrawi; the on-line reports and/or the most recent available news resources indicated clearly the presence of mass massacre and violent genocide - using Ghadafi's police and military forces against Libyan civilians, protesters and rebels - whom are bravely standing against brutality and tyranny of M.Ghadffi regime and his son Sif El-Islam M. Ghadafi inside the Libyan towns and cities; as it did the rounds this Thursday that Muammar Gaddafi's troops went on a killing spree to crush the 10-day uprising that seems to have left an estimated 1,000 civilian people or more dead (1-2); other recent news (8) indicated 130 soldiers were executed by Ghadafi regime because of their refusal to open fires upon the civilian protesters where The International Federation of human rights highlighted and some amateur video on-line might support it as evidence (8). In the mean time of these brutal bloody events; The Libyan deputy permanent representative to the United Nations has called and/or described today that " Qaddafi’s massacre of his own people genocide and a crime against humanity " (3) and urging the United Nations for immediate help and Surcracy with its International Surecratic Movement is supporting the Libyans by requesting legally the United Nations intervention to stop the bloody scenes of civilians injured and murdered as the uprising revolution against the military dictator is continuing where the protesters are facing heavy military armed forces unjustly.

In the mean time Indonesian news reported that 2 Libyan pilots jump out of their military fighter planes to let it crash down in the Libyan desert and landing with their parachute to prevent themselves from getting involved and from committing genocide against their own people in the cities of protests and anti-Gaddaffi revolution(2). other on line news indicated opening fires on prisoners in Libyan Jail(s)..!
The International Surecratic Movement and its Responsive Sociopolitical Leadership is claiming - under the presence of these information and/or evidence - to open the file(s) of Investigations and Trial to M. Gaddafi for committing crimes against Muslims and against humanity; as the circulating news are clearly indicating murders of innocent civilians by such an abuse of power and authority.. We are supporting all Libyans whom are seeking Justice and Liberty against the offensive process and the oppressive actions of Muumer Gadafi and his Autocratic - Democratic Socialism bloody regime..! Islamic Judges/ Justices must be involved in such a criminal trial(s) of Muamer Ghdafi and his obedient followers murdering Libyan civilians..!

Sherif Abdel-Kerim, B.Sc. & M.Sc. Pharm.,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada ; Copyright (C) - 24th February 2011.


2. Two Libyan Pilots Reject to bomb civilian demonstrators






8.Qaddafi executed 130 Libyan soldiers for refusing to open fire on pro-democracy protesters (The International Federation of Human Rights)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Surecratic Justice: Our Claim(s) For A Trial - On Behalf of People - Against The Acquired Wealth Of Zine ElAbidine Ben Ali and Hossni Mubarak ?!!

Our International Surecratic Movement presently withstands in the support of The Tunisian Justice Minister to arrest Ben-Ali, his wife and their corrupt family members, officials being involved in such a wealth robbery of Tunisian People. The Tunisian Minister Of Justice - Mr Chebbi- has stated recently the fact that the escaped ex-president Ben Ali whom has been already accused of illegally acquiring properties, assets and have been transferring funds abroad to Western Democratic Countries, questionably being supported by his Tunisian wife Leila Trabelsi; and this matter might be further extended with their related family members whom all are strongly believed have questionably acquired "illegal acquisition" of assets and "illicit transfers" of significant amounts of money / funds abroad out of Tunisia.

The evidence(s) that we have shortly reviewed from the recent news online have clearly indicated that the Switzerland President Mme/ Micheline Calmy-Rey and her federal council have already declared this matter officially from their banking records(1-4) - reactionary to the Tunisians' Revolution - to start the process of freezing Ben-Ali's assets inside the Swiss Banks while in Berlin The European Union are working in parallel to take related similar action(s). This justified measures are rare to find in history of Western Democratic Neo-imperialism. It might be analyzed by Surecracy and/or our surecratic political analysis / point(s) of view(s) that these political interactions which are presently happening in Europe but not clearly in United Kingdom and United States are not only relying solely upon the justice enforcement foundations point of view but also it could probably be influenced by the probability of the possible counteracting revolutionary attacks of Islamic Fundamentalists of Tunisian groups to probably undertake a series of rebel terrorism against Switzerland and Europe in revenge of covering up all these illegal wealth stolen from the Muslim People in Tunisia whom are suffering poverty and a very significant high rates of unemployment especially among the educated Tunisian Youth..!

Our Surecratic Determinism - that became essential to enforce true measures of Surercratic Justice - is presently claiming for the enforcement of the needed arrest warrant(s) which is/are issued by the Tunisian Justice Minister as :
1. The Saudi Arabian King and His Government must not - in lights of Islamic Shariha legislation(s) and The Holy Quran Protect any longer the ex-president Ben Ali and his wife and any of their related family memebers as it clearly violates both The Surecratic and/or Islamic Laws.
2. The Western Democratic countries must comply with the Revolutionists whose claims are justified in lights of the Islamic , Tunisian and the International laws; fighting crimes of democratic corruption cover ups; why the European kept quite almost for 23 years of Ben Ali autocratic governance and wealth - without taking these actions on time for long is very questionable and eventually considered illegal not to act on time and/or keeping quite about it for long decades..

In addition to the Tunisian Case against ex president Ben-Ali; the parallel analogy in another highlighted Similar case - in this blog - of the disappeared/hiding president Hussni Mubarak and his family whole wealth which is massively and illegally robbed the Egyptian People's highlights - in lights of Surecratic Justice claims - the following seriously grave issues:
1. The role(s) of USA and UK intelligence and their related political administration(s) to facilitate Mubarak's Scenario to disappear suddenly while he was persistently declaring he was not willing to leave his presidency chair / governing powers and he wants to die in Egypt what so ever it happens ?! A typical corrupt story of Democracy fake fraud in political strategic cheating game(s) to our people, whom did not have the fair justified chance to follow up the financial illegal business and robbed wealth of Egyptian people by Mubarak, his Family, relatives and associates (estimated as 40-70 billion US Dollars )why both USA administration , United Kingdom administration kept quite about this matter for 30 years of Democratic Corruption in Egypt in presence of new forms of democratic neo-imperialism in our countries against our people best economic and financial interests and our socio-economic development ?!!
why - in lights of the factual Conspiracy Theory - Western Democrats did that ? WE need answers especially as we requested from USA Barack Obama / The White House a response - on behalf of Egyptian People in Revolution - in lights of these fast developing events in Egypt; We have not got any political answers in light(s) of Democratic possible crime(s) committed to help us arrest Mubarak for the needed legal trial(s) with his family members and associates..!
2. In lights of Our Surecratic Theory; Surecratic Determinism and Surecratic Justice the distrust in Democracy with its brought growing corruption, political conspiracy and democratic economic / financial interests that withstands against our people best interests; Surecracy still claims for Justice against democrats whom are and were involved to cover up these illegal matters whether in USA , UK , France, Swiss ..etc. benefiting from robbing our people our limited resources and huge massive money and wealth ..?!!

In Conclusion Both Ben Ali and Hussni Mubarak and their related involved family members are claimed - by Surecracy - to be arrested without delay or protection; as not only it withstands against our Surecratic Justice Constitutional Measures but it also withstands with all these crimes committed for abusing our people; it withstands against Quranic / Islamic Shari'ha Laws and legislation, against the foundations of True Justice measures of Democrats themselves as well as violating the International laws as well in many sections and/or articles .. We are raising our voices highly loud with both Tunisians and Egyptians to immediately enforce the needed trials and investigations against those criminals committing democratic crimes against our people; imprisoning many innocents of our people resisting tyrany and corruptions, killing the protesters while arranging questionably - in secrecy - to secure their stolen money to get very wealthy being robbed from our people's economy ; covered up by the hypocrisy and corruption of both Western Democrats and/or Democracy ?!!

Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta,Canada - Copyright (C) February 14th, 2011.


1)Tunisia opens investigation into wealth of former ruler as Switzerland announces it will freeze his assets?
Read more:

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Surecracy Claims - On Behalf Of Egyptian People - A Supreme Court Order - Against Mubarak's Family Fortune ( Estimated 40-70 Billion $ )

A Typical Story of Democracy, Capitalism and Corruption - is eventually being recorded here - as Surecracy is Claiming For Justice and for another public transparent trial to be added into our Surecratic list in this blog; where here we - as Surecrats disbelieving in democracy - are recording the fact(s) that the Egyptian military high rank officer: Mohamed Hussni Mubarak; whom was appointed (1975) - by millitary officer / president Anwar El-Sadat - as a vice president at the time; was capable thereafter to occupy Egyptian Governing Chair as Mr. the President and hold tightly such a governing position for three decades ( 30 years ); while violating the Egyptian Constitution Supreme Law where political manipulation(s), abuse of power and evidence corruption were obviously present and continuing..!
Such a democratic president Hussni Mubarak; was also questionably capable during his period - with his family: Suzan , Gamal and Allaa Mubarak - according to the experts' observations and their recorded estimates (1-5)- to acquire at least 40 up to 70 billion dollars of wealth; in a similar way(s) to other Third World democratic corrupt Presidents including the Indonesian military officer / president Suharto ( acquired 15 Billion $ )(6) as well as the Philippine president Marcos (7) with his wife Emelda Marcos (estimated 3-30 billion $ ) where difficulties were faced to track all the details of their real wealth; and where the Neo-imperialists and Capitalists Democrats played a part in covering up such a bitter reality while benefiting from these massive amounts of billions of dollars ..!

Mubarak and his direct family relatives including his wife Suzan and his two sons Gamal and Allaa whom are believed to be known billionaires - as the reports, the news evidence and the economy experts statements indicated(1-5) - were capable in presence of such a repeated form of democratic corruption(s); associated with the abuse of military power(s), authority and in presence of governing malpractices to personally take advantage(s) of their political and military powers/authority to rob the Egyptian people from their wealth for huge amounts of forty 40 to seventy 70 billion dollars; and in the mean time Mubarak presently has just appointed his follower in the military intelligence; as a high rank officer: Mr. Omar Suleiman - questionably as a vice president - in order to cover up himself and his family, possibly securing themselves - as it appears - from the needed transparent national and international trial(s) of robbery and/or collecting this huge wealth illegally from his country / people by evidence of corruption, questionable political and economic manipulation, abuse of powers and asissted by probable elements of fraud ..etc using the Egyptian media ...

The news reports (1-5) clearly highlighted the fact that his acquired wealth which is being transfered - in secrecy - to Switzerland UBS bank(s) in secret numbered accounts, Bank of Scottland ( part of Llyods Banking Group) , in massive cooperative partnerships with Neo-imperialism companies, with foriegn investors in Egypt, side by side with huge number properties, hotels' investments..etc. in United Kingdom particularly in London the favorite place for leaders of the Middle-East leaders as well as in United States Of America USA: properties in Manhaten , exclusive area of rodeo and Beverly Hills..etc.. As there are no further records more available for us in this moment; But Surecracy and its International Surecratic Movement leadership is politically and legally claiming - for this justice matters - to complete in details all the needed - in depth - investigations after following the questionable wealth of Mubarak's family being illegally acquired and in relation to another fact regarding why the Swiss, The British (Neo-colonialism / Neo-imperialism); same as the United States Democratic Capitalists government / system and its political-financial administrators all kept quite and even supported directly and indirectly - for long - such a dictator allies to keep him and his family in political power as their favorate poppet without bringing this corruption into audition or encouraging - on time - to bring it into justice and why all of those foreigners are now racing and planning very hard for his successor servant to keep their interests against the Egyptian people revolution this January - February 2011 in the heart of Cairo Liberty (Tahrir ) Square, Alexandria, Suez and other parts of the country. .! It is obvious that western Democrats are presently trying to cover him up, politically conspire and/or to neutralize the growing magnitude of revolution being lead by those courageous Egyptian protestors.
Surecracy and The International Surecratic Movement ( ISM International ) are simply claiming for true justice enforcement to be ruled by neutral Egyptian Supreme Court Justices and in lights of both the Surecratic Constitution / mandate and The Islamic Shariha Laws which represent the origin of all the Egyptian laws as indicated within the first article(s) of the Egyptian Constitution.
We are claiming for a fully transparent trial to be immediately in effect against Mubarak and his family before he resigns and/or leaves Egypt (under medical health execuses) to bring this dictator and his family to face true justice for corruption and for abuse of their governing powers , bringing these robery / manipulation charges to acquire illegally this wealth; it must be done under both the civilian and the criminal law(s) within such prosecution process(es) ..?!!
Surecrats are persuading all the Egyptians and their opposition parties not just to ask Mubarak to leave our country now , but to seize him legally from his power and to keep him under house arrest till the investigation is completed and to forward his and his family prosecution to the court justified measures. While it recently appears that Mubarak still use all his powers against the protesters by doing the following: he questionably allowed massive killings / murders to those unarmed civilians protesting against his corruption using all his police forces, secret intelligence police; supporters of his National Democratic Party while pretending that if he leaves power now; a Chaos will happen; manipulating - as a democrat dictator - the factor of fear of Western Democrats in order to politically legalize and excercise his presidency powers; in such a mess he has already created and is being responsible about for his malpractice of governing and military power(s); We are presently waiting to hear and to follow up with such a necessary investigation and/or trial(s) soon where democracy had been bringing nothing - to our people - except its own deteriorating elements of corruption, drawbacks for so long against our Egyptian people's best interest(s) whom suffer such an abuse of power, authority, fraud and corruption while swallowing inflations and poverty ..!! Surecracy: The movement and The Positive Revolution is taking now the league of claiming for justice enforcement in this related trial matter(s). We also claim an in-depth investigation regarding the relatives of Husni Mubarak and his close political supporters whom can also acquire unusual wealth during such a so called democratic governance which empowers both political and economic corruption(s) in the developing world for USA and Western Democrats benefits and questionable interests over our lands and people ..! Surecracy also claims that the recovery of this robbed wealth to be used for Egyptians socio-economic and educational re-development..
Author : Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright(C) ; 7 February, 2011.


1. Mubarak family fortune could reach $70bn, say experts

2. Egypt’s Ire Turns to Confidant of Mubarak’s Son

3. Mubarak family wealth estimated at $70b - report



6. Suharto Inc. The Family Firm,
