Monday, February 14, 2011

Surecratic Justice: Our Claim(s) For A Trial - On Behalf of People - Against The Acquired Wealth Of Zine ElAbidine Ben Ali and Hossni Mubarak ?!!

Our International Surecratic Movement presently withstands in the support of The Tunisian Justice Minister to arrest Ben-Ali, his wife and their corrupt family members, officials being involved in such a wealth robbery of Tunisian People. The Tunisian Minister Of Justice - Mr Chebbi- has stated recently the fact that the escaped ex-president Ben Ali whom has been already accused of illegally acquiring properties, assets and have been transferring funds abroad to Western Democratic Countries, questionably being supported by his Tunisian wife Leila Trabelsi; and this matter might be further extended with their related family members whom all are strongly believed have questionably acquired "illegal acquisition" of assets and "illicit transfers" of significant amounts of money / funds abroad out of Tunisia.

The evidence(s) that we have shortly reviewed from the recent news online have clearly indicated that the Switzerland President Mme/ Micheline Calmy-Rey and her federal council have already declared this matter officially from their banking records(1-4) - reactionary to the Tunisians' Revolution - to start the process of freezing Ben-Ali's assets inside the Swiss Banks while in Berlin The European Union are working in parallel to take related similar action(s). This justified measures are rare to find in history of Western Democratic Neo-imperialism. It might be analyzed by Surecracy and/or our surecratic political analysis / point(s) of view(s) that these political interactions which are presently happening in Europe but not clearly in United Kingdom and United States are not only relying solely upon the justice enforcement foundations point of view but also it could probably be influenced by the probability of the possible counteracting revolutionary attacks of Islamic Fundamentalists of Tunisian groups to probably undertake a series of rebel terrorism against Switzerland and Europe in revenge of covering up all these illegal wealth stolen from the Muslim People in Tunisia whom are suffering poverty and a very significant high rates of unemployment especially among the educated Tunisian Youth..!

Our Surecratic Determinism - that became essential to enforce true measures of Surercratic Justice - is presently claiming for the enforcement of the needed arrest warrant(s) which is/are issued by the Tunisian Justice Minister as :
1. The Saudi Arabian King and His Government must not - in lights of Islamic Shariha legislation(s) and The Holy Quran Protect any longer the ex-president Ben Ali and his wife and any of their related family memebers as it clearly violates both The Surecratic and/or Islamic Laws.
2. The Western Democratic countries must comply with the Revolutionists whose claims are justified in lights of the Islamic , Tunisian and the International laws; fighting crimes of democratic corruption cover ups; why the European kept quite almost for 23 years of Ben Ali autocratic governance and wealth - without taking these actions on time for long is very questionable and eventually considered illegal not to act on time and/or keeping quite about it for long decades..

In addition to the Tunisian Case against ex president Ben-Ali; the parallel analogy in another highlighted Similar case - in this blog - of the disappeared/hiding president Hussni Mubarak and his family whole wealth which is massively and illegally robbed the Egyptian People's highlights - in lights of Surecratic Justice claims - the following seriously grave issues:
1. The role(s) of USA and UK intelligence and their related political administration(s) to facilitate Mubarak's Scenario to disappear suddenly while he was persistently declaring he was not willing to leave his presidency chair / governing powers and he wants to die in Egypt what so ever it happens ?! A typical corrupt story of Democracy fake fraud in political strategic cheating game(s) to our people, whom did not have the fair justified chance to follow up the financial illegal business and robbed wealth of Egyptian people by Mubarak, his Family, relatives and associates (estimated as 40-70 billion US Dollars )why both USA administration , United Kingdom administration kept quite about this matter for 30 years of Democratic Corruption in Egypt in presence of new forms of democratic neo-imperialism in our countries against our people best economic and financial interests and our socio-economic development ?!!
why - in lights of the factual Conspiracy Theory - Western Democrats did that ? WE need answers especially as we requested from USA Barack Obama / The White House a response - on behalf of Egyptian People in Revolution - in lights of these fast developing events in Egypt; We have not got any political answers in light(s) of Democratic possible crime(s) committed to help us arrest Mubarak for the needed legal trial(s) with his family members and associates..!
2. In lights of Our Surecratic Theory; Surecratic Determinism and Surecratic Justice the distrust in Democracy with its brought growing corruption, political conspiracy and democratic economic / financial interests that withstands against our people best interests; Surecracy still claims for Justice against democrats whom are and were involved to cover up these illegal matters whether in USA , UK , France, Swiss ..etc. benefiting from robbing our people our limited resources and huge massive money and wealth ..?!!

In Conclusion Both Ben Ali and Hussni Mubarak and their related involved family members are claimed - by Surecracy - to be arrested without delay or protection; as not only it withstands against our Surecratic Justice Constitutional Measures but it also withstands with all these crimes committed for abusing our people; it withstands against Quranic / Islamic Shari'ha Laws and legislation, against the foundations of True Justice measures of Democrats themselves as well as violating the International laws as well in many sections and/or articles .. We are raising our voices highly loud with both Tunisians and Egyptians to immediately enforce the needed trials and investigations against those criminals committing democratic crimes against our people; imprisoning many innocents of our people resisting tyrany and corruptions, killing the protesters while arranging questionably - in secrecy - to secure their stolen money to get very wealthy being robbed from our people's economy ; covered up by the hypocrisy and corruption of both Western Democrats and/or Democracy ?!!

Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta,Canada - Copyright (C) February 14th, 2011.


1)Tunisia opens investigation into wealth of former ruler as Switzerland announces it will freeze his assets?
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